What Color Is the Right Color?
What Color Is the Right Color?
Color is all around us. We often do not appreciate or understand why we are drawn to some colors and dislike others. Many of our color preferences are acquired through personal experiences and often times unrealized psychological connections. We can learn a lot about ourselves through examining the colors that are prominent in our lives. We can also use color to direct focus in our lives. We can use it to instill confidence, to heal, and to find emotional balance.
We may not realize the power that color has over us in our daily lives, but it is one way that advertisers and retail stores use to peak our interest and inspire emotional connections to their products. When considering changing or establishing an image for your business, color and design both in the logo and in your office can make or break your business. Consider the businesses you frequent, are the colors warm and inviting, bright and inspiring, or are they calm and safe? The color and design should suit your business as well as help attract your desired target market.
Knowing how color can work for you in your image is important, as it can also work against you. Colors that are too strong for your features will overpower you and can sometimes overwhelm you. You can use color to stand out in a crowd or blend into the woodwork. Youcan use it to disguise or create the illusion of height, depth, or size.
The color pigment in your skin holds the key to choosing the best color range for you to wear. An image consultant trained in color analysis can help you to determine your best colors. Makeup is also one of the most important things to consider in this way, as it is going right on to the skin. Wearing makeup is something that many shy away from, but, achieving a barely there, polished look, is really just learning proper application. The key word is BLEND. Once you know the color palette that works best for you, it will take the guesswork out of choosing the right makeup. Even the color of our foundation can make the difference between looking tired and having a healthy glow.
Color in our wardrobe doesn’t only affect how we feel and perceive ourselves, but how others perceive us as well. Not all color associations are positive, nor are they necessarily appropriate for the image we want to portray. Following is a list of some color associations we often have.
Red = daring, sexy, love,passion, power, anger
Pink = soft, feminine, romantic,affection
Orange = creative, fun,confidence, sporty
Yellow = joy, clarity, fresh,optimism, open minded
Green = growth, comfort,strength, abundance
Blue = calm, peace, authority,open communication
Navy = commanding, serene, quiet authority
Purple = spiritual, truth,creativity, transformation, royalty
White = pure, clean, new life
Black = powerful, elegant, death
This is merely an introduction to the influence that color has in our daily lives. Experiment with different colors, notice how they look on you and how they make you feel. Learn what colors suit you the best, and make the most of them in your wardrobe, and in your life.
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