Seven Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

What should be the happiest time of the year, is for many one of the most stressful.  We often give ourselves permission to overindulge and binge. We give into sugar cravings and our borderline bad habits. We don’t eat right, don’t get enough sleep and end up feeling anything but cheery!

According to the American Psychological Association, this is more the norm than many of us care to admit. They say that during the holidays, people tend to experience heightened emotions, many feel overcome by loneliness and that intensifies our ability to deal with what would otherwise just be an annoyance.
The APA also found that nearly half of all women in the US experience heightened stress during the holidays and that 41% use food and 28% use alcohol, to deal with that stress. While we may all feel the need to binge on an extra bag of cookies or share a drink to bring in the holiday cheer, there are many ways to keep a sense of peach and limit our emotions from spiking and diving to new depths over the holidays.

  • Eat Healthy
Be conscious of the amount of sugary, empty calorie treats and don’t forget to include a fair share of fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy fats, lean protein, nuts, seeds and legumes. Don’t forget to drink lots of water to help your body to rehydrate and flush your system.

  • Find some Quiet Time
In the hustle and bustle of things needed to be bought, and delivered, family to greeted and catching up on life, it can begin to feel very overwhelming by the end of the day. Set aside some time to just indulge in some peace and quiet for your over worked senses. Even just a few minutes and a few deep breathes can make a world of difference.

  • Do Something that Makes you Happy
After you create that mega “To Do” list for everyone else on your shopping list, be sure to include a list of what would make you happy over the holidays. Whether it’s some cuddle time with your pet or some “me” time in the hot tub, never discount the power of “self-love” at this time of year.

  • Connect with People that Make you Smile
We become like the people we spend the most time with. Well in this time of heightened emotions, it can be too easy to be drawn into the vortex of others challenges, worries and stress. Spend some time with others who lift your spirits to get back on track. 

  • Include Whatever Daily Rituals you Would Normally Do
When we are faced with a change in our daily routines, we may not feel as grounded or as balanced as we are in our own groove. Just being consistent in a few routines will help us to deal with the stresses of the holidays and get back to our happy content selves faster when we return to our daily lives.

  •  Be Active
Physical activity is not only good for our bodies, but it can boost our energy levels and elevate your mood. It can reduce anger, tension, fatigue and help to clear your mind. Research shows that it can give you that “runner’s high” as it pumps up production of endorphins, your bodies feel-good neurotransmitters.

  • Start and End your Day in Gratitude
We all have our own perceptions of a situation and the emotional baggage we often associate with the holidays. Your view of the day and another’s can vary greatly. It’s important to let go of any baggage that you might take on from another and release it if you are to start each new day fresh and clear. There is nothing more powerful than forgiveness and gratitude to reconnect with the love that is truely what this season is about.


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