10 ways to create your best life ever!

As author and producer Rhonda Byrne says herself, in the  "secret"--that the idea we create our reality with our thoughts is  nothing new. But it's not easy to digest that every person, thing, and experience  in your life is there because, unconsciously or not, you brought it there. Yet  using this knowledge, you can change your life and create a shift in your reality. We are creators of our own destiny. We are constantly creating...so why not consciously create!

"The Secret" gives three steps--"ask, believe,  receive."

 Here are 10 micro steps to practising "The Secret", an  approach also known as "the law of attraction."

  1. Clear Your Mind
 Find a place in your home to designate as your "intention space,"  suggests author Lynne McTaggart in her book about the law of attraction (LOA),  "The Intention Experiment." You might want to set up an altar, or set  plants or flowers nearby. Even when you're not here, you can summon this spot  for future intention-setting. Then sit, quietly, comfortably, and breathe.  Meditate for five to 10 minutes, writes Taggart, to help your brain slip into a  relaxed, receptive state.

  2. Decide Your Intention
  You need to get clear about what you actually want, or, say LOA experts, you'll  attract mixed results. In their book, "The Law of Attraction," Esther  and Jerry Hicks say that the thought "I don't know what I want" is  really just the psyche's way of saying "I'm afraid of what I want."  So get clear and focused. You might need to confront some scarcity demons, but  don't dwell on them, just keep focusing on your desires.

  3. Ask For It
  Write down what you want very specifically, says philosopher Bob Proctor in  "The Secret." And, he says, write it in present-tense, as if you've  already gotten your wish: "'I am so happy and grateful now that...' And  then explain how you want your life to be, in every area," Proctor says.  It's also crucial to ask for it in a way that's positive, the Universe, say LOA  experts, responds to every word. For example, instead of the potentially  self-sabotaging "I want to get out of debt," (the Universe will  "hear" debt and keep on sending more your way), say, "I am  living a life of abundance and wealth."

  4. Visualize Having It
  Every day, close your eyes for several minutes and imagine yourself embracing  your ideas. Keep focusing on what you want and imagining it so clearly that you  can see, feel, smell, hear, and taste it.
  Recent brain imaging tests show that imagining doing something is almost  exactly the same to the brain--and the body--as actually doing something. The  idea is to have your thoughts and feelings "vibrate" at the same  frequency as what you want. Raise your emotional bar to bring that in--expand,  expand, expand.

  5. Express and Feel Gratitude
  Make a list of all that you're grateful for. Gratitude will further magnetize  good things to you. It will also open your heart and assure your unconscious  that you are capable of having a beautiful life, because in fact, you already  do.
  In "The Secret" Byrne writes: "With all that I have read and all  that I have experienced in my own life using The Secret, the power of gratitude  stands above everything else. If you do only one thing with the knowledge of  The Secret, use gratitude until it becomes your way of life."

  6. Release Control
  You've cleared your mind, decided what you want, visualized those things and  experiences, and expressed gratitude for what you already have. Now, see your  request going out to the Universe. It will sweat the details, the  "how" of manifesting your request.

  7. Stay Positive
  Be aware of your thoughts. But, as author Marci Shimoff says in "The  Secret," it would be impossible and exhausting to watch every single  thought- we have about 60,000 a day. Instead, be aware of your thoughts by  monitoring your feelings.

  If you're tilting toward sad or angry, re-calibrate quickly. Read a beloved  book, walk in nature, listen to a stunning piece of music-anything to stay up,  light, and inspired. If you start doubting, replace it with knowing, with that  feeling of being it. The more you saturate yourself with having your desire,  the higher your positive vibration becomes.

  8. Be Patient
  As metaphysician Joe Vitale says in "The Secret" film, there's no  guaranteed timeline for these sorts of things. But don't give up. If your wish  or some version of it doesn't manifest in a few, or even 30, days, worry not.  Just keep on believing and sending out positive thoughts and feelings. The  important thing is to keep doubt--and negative feelings--at bay.

  9. Invite It In
  Really receive your gifts and enjoy them. And remember to send out gratitude  and love for this magical-seeming process based on the connectedness of all  matter. Also, continue to steep in it--surround yourself with what you desire,  say your desire aloud. Do what it takes to let it enter your life.

  10. Share the Wealth
  Though "The Secret" doesn't specifically address using this  manifesting power to help the world, the Law of Attraction is a perfect tool  for that. As Jack Canfield, founder of the "Chicken Soup for the  Soul" series, says in the film, Mother Teresa said she wouldn't attend an  anti-war rally, but if there was ever a peace rally she'd be there. Feel peace  in your body, send your love to the world.

  Peace be with you!


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