Are You Ready to Weather the Changing Season?
As we embark on a new season, we expect change, even if we don’t actually welcome it. The one thing that we need to understand, is that change is inevitable, whether we are willing to ride the tide or we try to stand our ground and risk getting knocked from our perch. When we are open to change, we learn to welcome the shift, to embrace change, as it is helps us to shed what is no longer serving us and then there is room to bring in wonderful new relationships and opportunities. We have just witnessed the fiery full moon in Aries, and you may have noticed that it brought you face to face with some tough energies and decisions. Did you feel the wave? It might have tested your beliefs and the very foundation of your support system. So, it is actually the perfect time to reflect on your foundations and the rituals that you have in place to help you get through changing tides. It's time to get real about that fact that many of us are trying to get by while feeling j...